Documenting Software Architectures (2nd edition) – de Paul Clements, Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, David Garlan, James Ivers, Reed Little, Paulo Merson, Robert Nord e Judith Stafford – é a referência definitiva sobre o tema.
A primeira edição desse livro já era incrível. Entretanto, essa edição, atualizada, ficou mais “fácil” de ler e muito mais pragmática.
This new edition is brighter, shinier, more complete, more pragmatic, more focused than the previous one, and I wouldn’t have thought it possible to improve on the original. As the field of software architecture has grown over these past decades, there is much more to be said, much more that we know, and much more that we can reflect upon of what’s worked and what hasn’t—and the authors here do all that, and more.
Grady Booch – IBM Fellow
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